Subject Approach In The Process Of Teaching A Foreign Language At University


  • Khairutdinov R.R., Yarullina A.Sh., Mukhametzyanova F.G.


This study presents a subjective approach in the process of teaching a foreign language
at a university. A university student is considered as a subject of educational and professional
activities in the process of learning a foreign language. In the process of learning a foreign
language, a student develops linguistic subjectivity, which we consider as the ability to build
the process of mastering and assimilation of a foreign language as a subject of linguistic
activity, while showing an individualized level of activity, independence, responsibility.
Monitoring the formation of educational skills among university students for the successful
mastering of the curriculum in a foreign language made it possible to concretize and
empirically substantiate the main tasks of the purposeful formation of educational activities.
An essential condition for the effective organization of educational activities in the system of
education at a university is the study of the initial level of formation of this activity among
students. The study of learning skills that students develop by the beginning of their studies at
a university makes it possible to concretize and empirically substantiate the main tasks of the
purposeful formation of learning activities, optimal forms and methods of teaching students as
subjects of learning activities.




How to Cite

Khairutdinov R.R., Yarullina A.Sh., Mukhametzyanova F.G. (2022). Subject Approach In The Process Of Teaching A Foreign Language At University. RES MILITARIS, 12(2). Retrieved from