Ethics in AI: Bias, Fairness, and Accountability


  • Divyani Jigyasu Navneet Anand Harsh Tiwari Abhishek Jangid



AI Ethics: Bias, Fairness, and Accountability - Ethical implications, bias mitigation, accountability measures in AI systems


With the speedy integration of AI technology across various societal domains, the ethical dimensions of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have emerged as a essential region of challenge. This paper delves into the complicated world of AI ethics, specializing in 3 vital components: bias, fairness, and responsibility. Addressing bias in AI systems is crucial because those structures regularly inherit and perpetuate societal biases present within the facts on which they may be trained. Understanding the different types and sources of bias, from selection biases in education records to algorithmic biases, is vital for mitigating their terrible effects on diverse consumer agencies. Furthermore, ensuring fairness in AI necessitates navigating complicated notions of equity throughout cultures and contexts.

Furthermore, accountability emerges as a cornerstone of ethical AI, encompassing responsibility for AI device decisions and outcomes. Examining the jobs and stakeholders worried in ensuring responsibility, from developers to policymakers, highlights the need for obvious, explainable AI algorithms.

The paper additionally examines existing regulations and frameworks aimed toward increasing responsibility in AI improvement and deployment. This studies pursuits to make contributions to the ongoing debate on fostering ethically sound AI structures with the aid of emphasizing the importance of addressing bias, selling equity, and setting up sturdy duty mechanisms within the AI panorama




How to Cite

Divyani Jigyasu Navneet Anand Harsh Tiwari Abhishek Jangid. (2020). Ethics in AI: Bias, Fairness, and Accountability. RES MILITARIS, 10(1), 77–81.


