The leadership progression or regression through gender


  • Dr. Rajeshwari Patil , Konica Gupta



Leadership, Progression, Regression, gender


There may be some improvement in the gender gap when it comes to education and labor force participation, but women are still grossly underrepresented in positions of leadership. Some women may not rise to leadership roles due to bias, family responsibilities, risk aversion, or a lack of confidence in their abilities, according to research. This research investigates the hypothesis that women may avoid leadership roles if they are afraid of getting negative feedback from subordinates or if they are afraid that making management choices will lead to inequity in the workplace. Additionally, we investigate whether there is a difference in the communication, motivation, evaluation, and penalization methods shown by male and female leaders, as well as if these types are equally successful. Finally, in a setting where management actions improve the performance of certain workers, we compare the responses of followers to male and female leaders. In order to answer our study questions, we run an innovative game in the lab that mimics corporate decision-making, task-allocation, promotion, and demotion processes. When looking for ways to maximize leadership effectiveness, gender is one factor that has to be considered. The professional, political, cultural, and personal circumstances of the twenty-first century warrant serious and critical debate and examination of the issue of gender and leadership. Leaders, whether male and female, have always been and always will be. To find out how each leader can be as successful as they can be, gender is an important factor to consider




How to Cite

Dr. Rajeshwari Patil , Konica Gupta. (2024). The leadership progression or regression through gender. RES MILITARIS, 14(2), 93–98.


