Interreligious Literature Through Purpur Sage for Strengthening Tolerance Between Religions in Karo Land


  • Ermina Waruwu
  • Aldi Alfrianza Sinulingga
  • Pulumun Peterus Ginting
  • Astina V. Pasaribu
  • Efghi Frisco Bangun


Interreligious Literacy, Tolerance, Purpur Sage, Karo Community


This study aims to answer research problems regarding the implementation of
interreligious literacy in the Karo tribe through Purpur Sage, inter-religious tolerance and the
implementation of Purpur Sage in the Karo community. This research uses descriptive
qualitative method with the theory of Interreligious Literacy (IL) approach. This research was
conducted in Barus Jahe, Tanah Karo with research informants consisting of 14 people who
were selected by purposive sampling. The research was conducted using a focus group
discussion in purpur sage and in-depth interviews. The results of the study were analyzed
qualitatively with the triangulation technique to check the validity of the data. The results
showed First; literacy is carried out through purpur sage discussing the factors that cause
extreme attitudes, namely the shallow understanding of one's own religion and the religions of
others, the existence of different interpretations of religious doctrine, cultural differences, and
the problem of the majority and religious minorities. Efforts to prevent extreme attitudes are
religious leaders sitting together, discussing and finding solutions to the realization of religious
tolerance through collaborative dissemination activities. All religious adherents carry out the
mandate of religious laws and the government stands above all religions fairly. Second; In the
land of Karo, tolerance between religious communities is manifested through dialogue, the
forms of dialogue that are carried out such as dialogues of faith and dialogue of works between
religious communities without discrimination. Third: strengtheningtolerance between people
Religion can be done by means of interfaith leaders, people and educators and cultural staff,
village government officials and the community gather together in a cultural platform called
Purpur Sage. The recommendation from the research is that purpur sage can be used as a
forum for interreligious literacy in society as well as can be used as a local and national cultural




How to Cite

Ermina Waruwu, Aldi Alfrianza Sinulingga, Pulumun Peterus Ginting, Astina V. Pasaribu, & Efghi Frisco Bangun. (2022). Interreligious Literature Through Purpur Sage for Strengthening Tolerance Between Religions in Karo Land. RES MILITARIS, 13(1), 157–171. Retrieved from