ISSN: 2265-6294

A Preliminary Findings of Urban Poor Malay Households Livelihood Strategies in Klang Valley, Malaysia

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Nor Hafizah Mohamed Harith,Nur Zafifa Kamarunzaman,Tuan Nooriani Tuan Ismail,Azizan Zainuddin,Nur Fatima Aisya binti Jamil


Many urban poor face hardships living in the megacities. Urban livelihood differs from rural livelihood in many aspects. The context that poor people live in has exerted pressures for the poor people. Developing countries like Malaysia do experience rapid urbanization at the expense of the urban poor people’s livelihood. This main aim of the study was to discover the urban poor Malay household livelihood strategy, the majority of the ethic group in Malaysia who suffers from the urbanization of poverty. The study adopted a qualitative case study design and was carried out in Klang Valley. A total of six (6) key informants were involved in the preliminary study.

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