ISSN: 2265-6294

A Production inventory model for deteriorating items with quadratic time dependent demand with two levels of Production

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Hemant Kumar , Dr. Dharmander Singh , Pujari Thakur Singh
» doi: 10.48047/resmil.v13i4.166


In many production systems, it is not always feasible to maintain a single rate of production during the entire production period. The production of items at various rates during sub-periods to meet various constraints arising from changes in demand patterns and market fluctuations. Therefore, in this paper, we developed a two rates of production inventory model with consistent deterioration rate. The demand rate is assumed to be quadratic function of time and shortages are not allowed. This model took into accounts circumstances when production began at one rate and then changed to another rate after a specific amount of time. Such a scenario is preferable in that it avoids building up a large stock of manufacturing items at initial stage which reduce holding cost. The goal of the study is to determine optimal solution of cycle run length which minimizes manufacturer’s total cost. To verify the result a numerical and sensitivity analysis are provided.

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