ISSN: 2265-6294

A Study of the Correlation Coefficient for Some Thyroid Hormones and Ferritin Variables in Overweight and Obese People

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Haneen Ahmed Zaidan,Firas Fadhil Fayyadh,Qussay Noori Raddam


Subjective This study was conducted for the correlation coefficient for some thyroid Hormones and Ferritin variables in overweight and obese people. Objective Blood samples were collected from the target persons in the study at the rate of 5 ml from each person. In the period between September 25, 2021 and until November 2, 2021, the number of samples was (50) samples divided into 3 groups if the first group, which was considered a control group, included (10) people who had a body mass index. Ranges between (18.5-24.9), the second group included people with overweight, who had a body mass index between (25.0-29.9), and the third group included people with obesity and had a body mass index of 30.0 or more. Results Our study results showmen significant decreased p≤ 0.05 in the level T3 thyroid hormone in over weight group when compared to control group whereas; no significant differences between obese and overweight groups of T3, T4 levels. Also there was no significant differences between obese group in T4 thyroid hormone level when compared to control. Ferritin level showed significant decreased in both group obese and overweight when compared to control group and there were no significant differences between obese and overweight group. Also our results indicated that were a positive correlation between Ferritin and T3, TSH, and very weak correlation with T4.Conclusion The study concluded that is Ferritin levels might have association with T3 and TSH levels in obese population. If confirmed by further studies, ferritin and thyroid hormones levels could be used in therapeutic monitoring in obese population

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