ISSN: 2265-6294

An insight into the overlapped implications of the term "talent"

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Ala'a S. Asker,Ayoub A. Bazzaz,Hisham R. Al-Mafraji


The overlapping in the meaning of the term "talent" may arise from may involve certain criteria and principles that deems necessary to be justified. In all behaviors and goals or expressed forms, being used, the meaning of "talent" should be adequately clarified. Public may, generally, think that the desire of the human nature does deserve to be a sufficient justification for such an overlap; however, the character of each of the overlapping concepts would not be ignored. This cannot generate a conviction because the overlap of complexity is linked to existence of "structural problems"- not in the human intellectual cognitive system only, but also touches the social function. Both meanings of the concepts and the consequent problems are limited to link with the factors of their emergence: (1). Recent interest in "talent" and the development of programs that can lead to its success, exploitation and enrichment; (2). Philosophical differences between educators and researchers in the field of giftedness and other concepts that overlap or converge with giftedness; (3). Perhaps the sensitivity of separation between concepts, so as the difference between the gifted, distinguished, superior, geniuses, and others is not strict to the meaning, but rather the contrast between each implication; (4). The differences in visions in the educational literature in defining concepts may cause a clear problem; (5). Some refer to the diversity of criteria used in defining these concepts do lead to these problems; (6). Others are not sure whether they represent formative factors, genetic traits or due to environmental reasons; (7). Variation in the translation of concepts from one language to another. We here within address these differences in both meanings and uses of the term "talent".

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