ISSN: 2265-6294

Analysis of the Science Book for the Sixth Grade Primary In Light Of the Quality Standards of the Textbook By

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Azhar Alwan Kasha,Zora Makki Jassim


The current research aims to identify "the extent to which textbook quality standards are provided in the science book for the sixth grade primary" The research community and its sample consisted of the science book for the sixth grade primary, the researcher (analytical method) used a methodology to study it, and the tool (resolution) to achieve the goal of the study, the researcher used (alone the explicit idea) the unit of analysis, and the frequency was calculated, then the percentage and the researcher used the Cooper equation, to extract the stability of the analysis, the results of the analysis showed that there is a very clear focus in some criteria, if the axis (goals) and the axis (content) get the highest percentages in the science book for the sixth grade primary The axes (educational activities, the process of implementing the assessment, sources of knowledge) got a lower percentage in the science book for the sixth grade primary and the axis (teaching methods) did not get any percentage After verifying the authenticity of the tool, stability was reached by : 1- Stability over time: The researcher analyzed with a time difference of two weeks . 2- Stability of analysis across individuals: between two external analysts between the researcher and the first analyst and between the first and second analyst The researcher came up with a set of conclusions : 1- The science book for the sixth grade did not provide quality standards in the axes(educational activities, sources of knowledge, implementation of evaluation) at theacceptable level . 2- The science book was developed for the sixth grade of primary without preparation and prior planning, which made the themes of the book vary from one book to another,planning is important in achieving the desired results .

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