ISSN: 2265-6294

Application of Burrxii-Dal and Weibull-Dal Distribution: A Case Study of Wheat Yield in Multan Pakistan

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Shahbaz Nawaz, Zahayu Md Yusof, Okwonu, Friday Zinzendoff


Statistical analysis is highly dependent on the Probability distribution of the data and new models are most important part for the expansion of this field. Burr-XII DAL (BDAL) and Weibull-DAL (WDAL) distribution with five parameters are used to analysis the distribution and to predict the yield and growth rate of different products. Objective The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the application of modified BURRXII-DAL and WEIBULL-DAL distribution for the analysis of the wheat yield in Multan, Pakistan by estimating their maximum likelihood.

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