ISSN: 2265-6294

Applications Of Information Technologies and Their Role in Southern Iraq's Local Radio Stations and Satellite TV Channels' Professional and Censorship Work Development

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Amtar Raheem Neamah, Ali Abdul Samad Al Farhad


Applications of information technology are regarded as a fundamental element in the operation of bodies and institutions with a variety of specialties, since these applications have contributed to reduce work momentum, shorten times, and minimize worker effort in both official and non-official institutions.We have observed that there is a deficiency and insufficiency among researchers in their understanding of the duties, responsibilities, and services offered by local radio stations and satellite TV channels, as well as a lack of knowledge of their laws and procedures in many areas and fields related to their specialization, so there was an urgent need to shed light on these aspects through scientific research. In order to determine the research problem, the following two questions must be addressed:

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