ISSN: 2265-6294

Building A marital Satisfaction Scale for Secondary School Teachers

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Wisam Awni Hameed AL-Shakarchi,Nada Fattah Zeidan AL-Abachi


The present research aims at building a scale of marital satisfaction for the teachers of secondary schools. The number of subjects of the research population is (1779) teachers both males and females. The sample of the research was selected and involved (600) male and females teachers distributed in the secondary schools in Nineveh governorate center. Through reviewing the previous studies (4) aspects of the marital satisfaction were identified and the two researchers collected the items of the scale through the exploratory questionnaire and the former studies. The items of the scale in its preliminary form were (48) items, the face validity and the construction validity were calculated and also the distinction of items was also determined. Eight (8) items were omitted, and the final number of the items became (40) items. Invariability was calculated using the retest method and Alpha Cronback.

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