ISSN: 2265-6294

Causes of the Somali Civil War 1991

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Hassanein Abdel-Kadhim Ojjeh,Heba Fathi Abd


The Somali people represent a unique fabric of homogeneity, but it suffered from political instability in the late eighties as a result of the outbreak of civil wars in Somalia and the spread of chaos in the country until the situation reached the outbreak of fierce wars between the tribes as a result of the fleeing of the constructive ruler outside the country, as the conflict began to spread between the movements The opposition that removed the regime, and they cared about the seats and power, and this led to the dismantling of Somalia and its entry into wars that lasted for many years, so each of them was running after his personal ambitions and his desire to monopolize the rule and power for him and his tribe.

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