Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
The Bouregreg watershed is a space for rain-fed agriculture. This study our permit to interpret relation between cereal comportment and meteorological conditions, using agroclimatic contribution and cereal development to increasing model. The objective of this work to describe meteorological conditions of the areas to cereal development, for answer the effect treating problematic of climatic fluctuations on increasing, development and cereal production in Bouregreg watershed. The work done is likely to further contribute to research on cereal crop forecasting, in order to enrich and exploit water information systems and climate projection and assist decision-makers in the development of the master plan for integrated water resources management of the basin - (IWRM), and also in the direct contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals ("2.Food Security", "6.Water Resources" and "13. Fighting Climate Change").