ISSN: 2265-6294

Development of Cultural Tourism Policy Based on Local Wisdom in Central Java, Indonesia

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M. Soebiantoro, Triana Ahdiati, Solahuddin Kusumanegara, Syah Firdaus


This study aims at: 1) identifying and describing the values of local wisdom in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia so that the cultural identity of Banyumas can be known; 2) understanding the sustainability of local wisdom values with current cultural tourism policies as well as identifying the contextual factors. By using a qualitative approach, the research result shows that Bawor is a symbol of local wisdom in Banyumas Regency. Bawor is one of the Banyumas gagrag puppet characters who reflect the values: openness, directness, honesty and naivety (as it is), friendship, kinship and populist. These values become the cultural identity of Banyumas called Cablaka. These values have not been fully reflected in the development of cultural tourism in Banyumas Regency. The contextual factors that influence cultural tourism policy in Banyumas Regency are: first, the era of regional autonomy in Banyumas Regency was responded by seeking the largest source of regional income for regional development. The local government is more oriented towards increasing the source of regional original income. This causes tourism development in Banyumas Regency to be pragmatic, namely prioritizing natural tourism over cultural tourism. Cultural tourism is then perceived as not being able to immediately provide benefits to the region. Second, the socialization of local wisdom values which are only symbolic, without touching the substance

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