ISSN: 2265-6294

Education Strategies of The Child Protection Commission to Prevent Child Abuse in Indonesia

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Muhammad AR,Suhaimi,Sulaiman,Masrizal


This research aims to determine the educational strategies of the commissions for the supervision and protection of children toward preventing child abuse in Indonesia. The research employed qualitative methods, involving 25 officers at the Aceh Child Supervision and Protection Commission (Komite Pengawasan dan Perlindungan Anak Aceh-KPPAA), Provincial Integrated Women and Child Protection Unit (Unit Pelaksanaan Tugas Dinas perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak-UPTD-PPA), Integrated Service Centre for Women and Children Empowerment (Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak - P2TP2A) in Aceh and North Sumatra provinces. The subjects were determined purposively. Data were analyzed through three steps: organizing, summarising, and interpreting. The research results show that KPPAA, UPTD-PPA, and P2TP2A in Aceh and North Sumatra provinces have well conducted the tasks and roles of socialization to parents, communities, and schools. Furthermore, these institutions assist children in conflict with the law (Anak Berhadapan dengan Hukum-ABH), facilitate mediation of child custody cases, and provide counseling services to children experiencing violence. Educational strategies to prevent violence against children are conducted through a collaboration between KPPAA, UPTD-PPA, and P2TP2A with schools and madrasas and by educating teachers and parents about child protection. The violence against children and students includes physical and non-physical (psychological) violence. Meanwhile, the factors of violence vary, including parental education, poverty, the influence of media and advanced technology, bad parenting, broken homes, and dating.

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