ISSN: 2265-6294

Ethical Leadership and Its Relationship with the Behavior of Employees in the Education Sector

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Abhiruchi Pandey,Byju John


The paper examines the current state of leadership in Indian educational institutions, the challenges faced by educational leaders in promoting ethical behavior, and the initiatives and policies aimed at fostering ethical leadership. Theoretical perspectives on ethical leadership, including transformational and servant leadership theories, are analyzed in the context of the Indian education sector. The paper also investigates the positive impact of ethical leadership on employee behavior, factors influencing this relationship, and case studies from the Indian education sector. Additionally, the research methodology, findings, and recommendations for promoting ethical leadership, implementing training programs for educational leaders, and formulating policy recommendations to foster a culture of ethics in education are discussed. The importance of ethical leadership in shaping employee behavior and organizational culture is emphasized, along with future directions for research and practice in the field of ethical leadership in education.

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