ISSN: 2265-6294

Exploring Potential of India's Soft Power in Post-2021 Afghanistan

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Tanaji J


Protection of the national interest is the core aspect of any country and the multifaceted framework which guides the country's interactions with other Nations regional groups and international organisations is called as foreign policy. There has been various dimensions in the Indian Foreign Policy with regard to diverse principles such as non-alignment, strategic autonomy, multi alignment and relations with the neighbouring countries. One of the aspects of the foreign policy is the exertion of soft power through which India is trying to influence others through non coercive means. The idea of soft power is gaining momentum and significant importance in the Indian Foreign Policy over the decades. Soft power is as important as hard power in foreign policy of India. “India has progressively understood that these two dimensions of power should not be placed in opposition to one another, especially for an aspiring global power.”i While analysing the Indian Foreign Policy the concept of soft power plays a significant role in nurturing and obtaining India's national interest with multiple international organisations. It has reshaped India's image at the international level.

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