ISSN: 2265-6294

Financial Sustainability Assessment in Iraq for The Period 2015- 2021

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Mahdi Bashir Mahmoud Al-Obaidi,Abdulrahman Najm Almashhadani


To assess financial sustainability, analyzing the structure of total revenues and the structure of total expenditures is necessary to reach real economic sustainability in the Iraqi economy, which is one-sided as it depends on oil revenues. More than 90% in the structure of public revenues with the absence of the rest of the other sectors. As for oil revenues, they are revenues. It cannot be controlled or controlled as it is subject to the global markets in determining prices and regulations in determining the quantities exported, and not controlling public expenditures, which are most of the operating expenses (salaries, wages ... etc.), and that the Iraqi economy suffers from financial and administrative corruption and waste of public money. This led to a rise in public debt, whether internal or external, which negatively affected the gross domestic product and mortgaged the capabilities of future generations.

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