ISSN: 2265-6294

Heavy Social Media Use and Hedonic Lifestyle, Dan Hedonic Shopping Terhadap Online Compulsive Buying

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Ahmad Johan,Rio Prayoga,Andhika Permana Putra,Ilyas Rahmat Fauzi,Dimas Pangestu


The development of the e-commerce business is currently showing significant growth. In addition, there are many millennial generations who behave consumptively. This of course did not appear outof nowhere, but with the development of the internet and social media. The increasing use of social media has led to compulsive buying behavior. This study aims to determine the effect of heavy socialmedia and hedonic lifestyle in explaining how consumers make purchases. This study uses a quantitative approach using explanatory. The sample was selected as many as 125 respondents fromthe Bandung School of Administrative Sciences. The results showed that there was an influence between the two variables, namely heavy social media use and hedonic lifestyle on compulsive online purchases. This research also has implications for companies to review advertising through social media, given that currently social media users are higher, especially in today's younger generation.

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