ISSN: 2265-6294

Impact of Digital Marketing on Microfinance Schemes for Women Entrepreneurs

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Moothedath Sindhu


These days, digital marketing is extremely common and affordable. Through the development of the internet, the information age has brought numerous fields and specialties together. From e-commerce sites to virtual reality simulations, many areas have now been fully digitalized. This transition has also affected marketing, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic when the world underwent a digital shift. This paper seeks to identify the challenges associated with microfinance schemes for women entrepreneurs' through digital marketing and to obtain new insight into it. It is a descriptive research that places a particular emphasis on one Self Help Group [SHG] of Hulimavu, Bangalore, with 100 women in it. The information gathered through focus group discussions and bank manager interviews. Recruited 15 participants for six groups and 10 participants for one group with a moderator for each group. Focus groups were held in a two-way format at various things. Each conversation lasted between 45 minutes to an hour. Comparative analysis has been used to analyze the acquired data. Most of the participants belonged to the Middle Income Group (MIG) and Lower Income Group (LIG) of SHG. The sources of income, educational background, repayment capacity, and technological awareness are all thoroughly examined in the discussion. In parallel, the Bank's assessment of the various MFS marketing strategies examines the accessibility and determines whether the material is getting to the intended audience. The report offers useful advice on how various tactics might be used to boost MF's digital marketing. The social and economic impact of successfully implementing the marketing plan is discussed in the paper

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