ISSN: 2265-6294

Implementation Of Market Arrangement Policy on Service Quality in the Regional Technical Service Unit (UPTD) of Cimahi City (Influence Implementation Policy Market Arrangement Against Quality Service at UPTD Cimahi City Market)

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Warman Suryaman, M.Si,Ngatiyana,Odang Kusmana,Abdul Hapid,Kiki Irawan


Problem tree in study this is quality services at UPTD Pasar Kota Cimahi low . This thing caused by implementation less policy _ good. Study this aim for know influence implementation policy to quality services at the Cimahi City Market UPTD .Method in study this with use method descriptive analysis that is with describe each variable as well as test second variable with approach further quantitative ( statistics ) analyzed and compared with theory as well as existing problem _ for taken conclusion. The results of the analysis carried out in study this find that there is positive and significant influence _ implementation policy to quality services at UPTD Pasar Kota Cimahi by 71.10%, which means quality services at UPTD Pasar Kota Cimahi influenced by other variables that are not analyzed in the estimation model study this by 28.90%. Based on results study recommended namely ; (1) implementation policy should run by consistent with full high responsibility and commitment _ from all employee (2) control from leader to implementation tasks and work from employee should done by continuous and with system good control . _ With thus expected quality appropriate service _ standard could materialize.

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