ISSN: 2265-6294

Incidents of Poisonous Gas Spreading in Pasir Gudang, Johor, Malaysia: Responsibilities, Roles and Social Impacts on Communities

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Muhaymin Hakim Abdullah,Harliana Halim,Riki Rahman,Riki Rahman,Nor Shela Saleh


The issue of pollution due to uncontrolled industrial activities is widespread globally and must be treated seriously. The rapid and uncontrolled industrial development of manufacturing operations that prioritizes maximum profit regardless of the importance of nature and the surrounding population was alarmed. Recently, Malaysia have a latest incident of pollution occurred in the southern part of the country at the Kim Kim River in Pasir Gudang, Johor. This incident has impacted the community on social, economic, and political aspects. Furthermore, this issue of pollution is hazardous in that it is caused by water pollution due to the disposal of toxic chemicals in the river which then reacted to release toxic gas and cause air pollution. The air pollution was hazardous and affected the surrounding residents, particularly the school students and residents of that place. This study also discusses the issue and impacts of pollution from the social aspects and the roles of the authorities in resolving the pollution issue. Reference archive, online resources, and current local official reports were the origins of the research. The study found that over 2000 victims were mostly school children and 111 schools were closed for 14 days, resulting in students missing out on their learning. In addition, 15 agencies comprised of the government, volunteer bodies, and private sector were involved in the relief operation in this situation. Collaboration and unanimity by all parties is important to resolve this issue in a short time. For the protracted action, collaboration by government are required to confirm the impact were resolve.

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