ISSN: 2265-6294

Incitement to violence on social media in Iraq, Facebook publications as a model for the period (from 1/4 to 1/6/2022)

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Rawaa Saud Salman,Siham Hassan Al-Shugairi


The role of social media has increased during the past decade in a way that has become a threat to society and its security because of its bad uses and the possibilities that harm society in order to serve certain parties or programs, especially with regard to spreading violence and hate speech. Facebook is one of the most widespread websites in Iraq in terms of discussion, exchange of ideas and putting forward positions, which makes verbal violence, hate speech and incitement clear in its contents, and affects society negatively, which increases the state of tension, congestion and psychological charging that leads to many cases of physical violence, as well as the decline in the state of acceptance of the other and an attempt to understand him .

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