ISSN: 2265-6294

Inclusive Communication Empowerment Management Model

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Nuryanti, Mite Setiansah, Sri Pangestuti, Tri Nugroho Adi, Shinta Prastyanti, Dwi Pangastuti Marhaeni, Christophorus Herutomo, Chusmeru, Agoeng Noegroho, Mochamad Fathoni


New media with all its consequences have attracted the attention of various parties. One of the serious concerns of the Government of Indonesia is the development of a village web to improve access to information for rural communities. Empirical evidence shows that many parties which are categorized as marginalized people have limitations in accessing information. Therefore, an appropriate empowerment model is needed according to the conditions of these marginal communities. This research was conducted using participatory action research methods, data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews, FGDs, and observations. The validity of the data was tested by triangulation of sources. The results showed that there were four categories of people accessing and utilizing village web information, namely ignorant, marginal, creative, and empowered communities. All four require different management from one another, namely through coaching, awareness, policy, and support

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