Volume -15 | Issue -1
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
The objectives of this research are: 1) to study opinions of laborers about factors influencing quality of life; and 2) to analyze relations of causal factors influencing laborers’ quality of life. Population in the research are laborers working in large goods wholesale markets. Calculations of Hair, Black, Babin, and Anderson (2010) were used. A sample group of 600 people were obtained using a convenient randomized sampling method. Statistics used to analyze data were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Hypothesis testing based on structural equation analysis yielded values that were used to examine harmony and coherence of structural equation model with empirical data. Results showed that laborers’ overall opinions about motivating factor (x ̅ = 3.86) had the highest mean, followed by access to public health services (x ̅=3.63), supporting factors (x ̅= 3.59), living culture (x ̅=3.46) and state-sponsored policies having the lowest mean (x ̅=3.34). Analysis results of state-sponsored policies (gov), living culture (cal), motivating factor (mot), supporting factor (con) and access to health care services (hel) showed path coefficients of 0.65, 0.54, 0.86, 0.75, 0.77, respectively. Examination of coherence between structural equation models revealed that all indices passed the standard criteria: 2= 201.762, df = 180, GFI = 0.973 , AGFI = 0.954 , CFI = 0.997 , NFI = 0.970 และ RMSEA = 0.014, which passed all criteria for statistical significance (????−????????????????????) at 0.014. It can be concluded that analysis results were consistent with empirical data.