ISSN: 2265-6294

Le romantisme et le parnasse perspectives croisées

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Raid Jabbar HABIB


Between the Romanticism that emerged at the beginning of the nineteenth century and the Parnassianism which born in the same century, a new poetic identity arose in the history of French poetry. This particularity considers the main pillar on which French poetry relied, in a sensitive period after the French Revolution. It is worth mentioning that, French poetry has witnessed a development in all its field during the nineteenth century. This development was enormous at the level of poetic systems. Especially, at the level of substance, the development exceeded all limits. As a result, with the development of Romanticism we see the beginning of a poetic transformation that will mark not only the nineteenth century, but also the centuries to come. Among these effects, we find the transition from conservatism to liberalism, concern for the other, the privacy of the other place and other issues that have characterized the movement. As for love, it was also at the center of romantic interest.

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