ISSN: 2265-6294

Leadership In complexity for psychological empowerment, Organizational Citizenship behavior, Job Performance among public service employees

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Dina Lesmana,Usep Hotim Mubarok,Wan Wan,Syamsul Iman,Ahmad hasan Nurdin


Background:Various problems, both structured and unstructured, make the leadership role more complex. The demand for leadership capabilities is not only on administrative and policy capabilities. Leaders are expected to be able to show their performance through optimizing employee functionsin the organization. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of Leadership In complexity on psychological empowerment, Organizational Citizenship behavior, Performance among public service employees. Method: Research design of an explanatory survey of 324 employees at the sub-district level, online and offline for employees who experience communication barriers. Data analysis used covariant SEM procedure. Results: The result of the research shows that the leadership ability is good in administrative function, enabling function. Leaders are required to be able to adapt to the pressures and complexities they face. Throughempowering the state apparatus, leaders can encourage OCB and performance in accordance with public demands even though there are still shortcomings. Psychological empowerment as a mechanism to show leadership functions in complex situations to realize OCB and employee performance in public institutions. Conclusion: Leadership that is able to maintain a balance in public organizations between politics, administration, the interests of stakeholders can ensure the implementation of performance according to demands with high Organizational Citizenship behavior through employee empowerment. The practical implication is the need for a paradigm shift to understand the role of leadership in complex situationswhile maintaining the function of public institutions

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