ISSN: 2265-6294

Legal guarantees for the salary in Iraqi law

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Intisar Jaffar Khudhur,Waleed Khashan Zghair


This study aims to clarify the legal rules set by the Iraqi legislator to ensure effective protection of the right of salary, and to know the extent of the public administration's commitment to these rules .The salary is the most important financial rights enjoyed by the public employee, and the main reason for joining the public job, which is the tangible financial return for the job effort on which he depends in meeting the requirements of his daily life. Providing guarantees to protect the salary from all factors that may affect it negatively ,To ensure a balance between the private interest of the employee and the general interest of the administration, the salary with its legal, economic and social dimensions is one of the most prominent topics that must be studied in a renewed and continuous manner and to reveal the flaws in the exercise of this right, any defect in the rules regulating its acquisition will inevitably lead to serious social, administrative and economic problems.

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