ISSN: 2265-6294

Magnitude and Pattern of Reverse Migration and Their Socio-economic Implications in Uttarakhand

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Sunil Dutt,Sunil Kumar Verma,Prem Bahadur,Ravindar Kumar Snehi


The state of Uttarakhand has experienced significant flows of reverse migration in recent years, as people who had previously migrated to other parts of India are returning to their home state. This paper examines the socio-economic implications of this trend using data from the 2011 census. The analysis shows that reverse migration has led to an increase in the working-age population in Uttarakhand, which could have positive effects on the state's economy. However, it also highlights the challenges faced by returning migrants in terms of finding employment and accessing social welfare schemes. The paper concludes that policies aimed at supporting returning migrants are needed to ensure that the benefits of reverse migration are maximized while minimizing any negative impacts.

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