ISSN: 2265-6294

Masculine Authority In Disguise In Jasper Fforde’s The Eyer Affair: A Metafictional Study

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Muntadher Ali Mohammed,Haider Hadi Mohammed,Muhammad Hussain Hamza


The current paper seeks to provide a metafictonal study of Jasper Fforde’s novel The Eyer Affair, and testify its intertextual connections to traditional texts such as Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyer and Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The Eyer Affair also borrows its structural and thematic principles from certain outstanding literary texts. During the last few decades, many critics and literary figures have increasingly been attracted by the term metafiction. It is a form of literature which focuses on the work’s own constructedness. It alerts literary audience who are reading or seeing a fictional work. This category of literary genre draws attention to their position as artifacts, either explicitly or indirectly.

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