ISSN: 2265-6294

Measures of the Iraqi Internal Security Forces targeted to protect of public health during the spread of the Covid-19 virus

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Ali Mohammad Falahzadah


Since the spread of the Covid-19 virus has accelerated and its effects have spread to most countries of the world and the declaration issued by the World Health Organization as a trans-border pandemic, countries have rushed to take a package of measures to prevent the spread of the virus or limit its effects to protect public health, which is an integral part of public order, In addition to being a right of individuals, and since the government alone cannot undertake this task, the Iraqi government - like the rest of the world - proceeded to confront this emergency situation by forming the Diwaniyah Order No. 55 of 2020, which was later renamed the (Higher Committee for Health). And national safety) from the membership of the various ministries of the state and the presidency of the Minister of Health, and perhaps among the most important ministries that have taken upon themselves to confront the spread of the virus and protect the lives of individuals is the Ministry of Interior represented by the Internal Security Forces. Where the ministry directed its various formations, each according to its location, to implement the decisions of the aforementioned committee by taking measures of regions closure within the governorates, imposing a total or partial curfew, preventing gatherings in public places and places of worship, and disrupting the official working hours in schools and non-service government institutions. And other measures, with the application of strict penalties to violators, and the aim behind these measures to prevent more casualties as a result of the spread of the virus.

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