ISSN: 2265-6294

Methodology of Developing Technical Creativity of Students Through Training of Robotics Elements in Physics Lessons

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Kurbanov Mirzaakhmad, Juraev Khusniddin Oltinboyevich


To provide modern knowledge of scientific-technical, economic and production bases to every young generation entering an independent life in today's modern scientific and technical conditions, to further develop their intellectual potential, to educate them to react creatively to the events and phenomena around them. is important [1, p. 16]. Today, it is necessary to solve various problems in the production process. Naturally, there are many problems related to the technical and technological spheres in production, and it is impossible to increase the efficiency of production without eliminating them. The inclusion of robotics educational elements in the content of physics taught in general secondary schools is of great importance in the development of students' polytechnic competencies [9, p. 341]. Development of the necessary competences of students about the importance of robotics tools in the development of modern production is an important part of new technological systems. In the implementation of these tasks, it was mentioned that it should be implemented by ensuring the integration of subjects in the programs of physics and other sciences. In the robotics club, it was shown that most subjects can be taught on the basis of interdisciplinary integration with the subjects of physics. In the use of robotics elements in the teaching of physics subjects, students must master the educational materials related to science, acquire knowledge in accordance with state educational standards, and develop technical creativity competencies based on them. Educational and regulatory documents; it is important that it is implemented in accordance with the requirements of 'curriculum'.

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