ISSN: 2265-6294

Multimodal Principles of Jocular Mockery in Political Advertisements

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Fareed Hameed Al-Hindawi,Maha Al-Mohammed


This paper highlights the importance of multimodality as a means to the analysis of jocular mockery in political advertisements. Indeed, jocular mockery has long attracted the attention of scholars due to its importance in daily interactional discourse both within and across cultures. Nevertheless, there is still much forsaken territory to be covered, especially with regards to the way it has been employed in political contexts. Moreover, the focus of pragmatic studies has always been on the verbal aspects of jocular mockery, with the non-verbal aspects being unappreciated despite their significant role in the assignment of meaning. Accordingly, the present paper set itself the task of redressing this imbalance by elevating jocular mockery to a whole new level of linguistic analysis.

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