Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Volume -14 | Issue -6
Admire the dignity of man, although protection of the existence and freedom of a man or woman is the main rule of the Indian Charter and global human rights treaties to ensure that the substantive and procedural laws of India are consistent with the primary laws. Pressure to respect human rights in the administration of criminal justice. The police are the first company in criminal justice to ensure that the warrants are followed and the human rights of the accused are protected, but the development of prison crimes, which occur exceptionally in four American states, can cause deep concern. interrogation In criminal investigations, such cases have reached alarming proportions, resulting in torture, ill-treatment, injuries, blackmail, sexual abuse and imprisonment. Compared to other crimes, maintenance crimes are particularly serious and heinous because they carry a prison sentence for defrauding a defenseless citizen such as an official. Prison crimes violate the law, human dignity and human rights.