ISSN: 2265-6294

Possible Failure of Applying Conceptual Change Learning Strategies for Chemical Concepts: A Meta Analysis

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Rosalina Eka Permatasari,Suyono,Lenny Yuanita
ยป doi: 10.48047/resmil.v12i2.29


This study aims to identify possible causes of the failure in applying conceptual change strategy by reviewing a number of research results related to the implementation of conceptual change strategy on learning chemical concepts. This research uses meta-analysis design, i.e by reviewing a number of research results in similar problems. The problem studied is about the failure of conceptual change implementation in improving individual misconceptions on chemical concepts. The sources of the study are articles of research related to the implementation of conceptual change strategy especially using conceptual change text (CCT). Data were collected by using documentation techniques.

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