ISSN: 2265-6294

Postmodernism in American Fiction: Hyperreality and Simulation & TV in White Noise

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Iris Hamid,Dr Priya Raghav,Dr Khursheed Ahmad Qazi


Postmodernism emerged as an age of unprecedented development, new approaches and the Cultural Revolution, with changes occurring in many spheres of life. It was born out of Heisenberg’s “Uncertainty principle”, the chaos of World Wars, and the influences of Nietzsche, Marx, Freud, Lacan and Darwin. It challenged openly the standards by which particular forms, texts, and presumptions are projected, imposed, and declared to be in good taste, everlasting, and universal. Research shows that Postmodernism is an important theory in the development of contemporary American fiction. It has challenged traditional forms of narrative, such as linearity, and allowed writers to experiment with structure, genre, and perspective.

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