ISSN: 2265-6294

Punishment Of Chemical Numbation for Servants Who Perform Sexual Violence on Child Victims of Rape

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Handi Mulyaningsih, Hertanto, Bambang Utoyo, Hartoyo, Bartoven Vivit Nurdin, Mansyur Hidayat


Child assistance victims of sexual violence play a role in protecting and assisting victims in litigation and non-litigation, both physical, psychological, traumatic and social recovery of victims in fulfilling the rights of victims and restoring growth and development according to their age stages. However, there was a case where a man as a victim's companion from P2TP2A East Lampung, Indonesia, committed acts of sexual violence against the victim he was accompanying. Why does this happen and what are the legal aspects of it? This research uses a qualitative method, the data is extracted through in-depth interviews with victims, victims' companion teams, journalists, women's and children's activist NGOs. The results showed that the companion did not have an educational background as a companion, did not have a child rights perspective, did not have a gender perspective, the institution that recruited him, namely P2TP2A, East Lampung Regency did not have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in mentoring, weak recruitment of assistants, weak capacity building, weak control of P2TP2A on the performance of assistants, did not have a safe house. In this case, the woman who is the Chief Judge of the Tanjung Karang District Court sentenced the perpetrator to 20 years in prison, a fine of 800 million subsidiary 3 (three) months in prison, chemical castration for 1 year after serving the main crime, paying restitution of Rp. 7,700,000. This verdict is an ultra petita due to the demands of the Public Prosecutor (JPU) which is 15 years in prison.

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