ISSN: 2265-6294

Religion and Ideology in Islamic Thought: A Reading of the Problem of Relationship

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Azhar Jabr Hadi,Ahmed Abdulsada Zwayyer


The research aims to introduce the concept of religion and the concept of ideology, and the problem of the relationship between them, that what will be addressed in the research is not the accuracy of opinions and concepts, but the tendency to insist that ideology is an emergency historical event that has an updated and has no past, emptying this statement of religion from any ideological element. This research sought to find out the concept of religion and the concept of ideology, and the circumstances in which the term ideology invented by Distode Tracy passed in 1796, in fact ideology is apparently new only in the fact that it has known, become famous and have a name, and its qualities and uses go back a long time, and if we take into account its content, and look at the name instead of the name, we will find that it is the age of civilization. That's why this research, labeled "Religion and Ideology in Islamic Thought," read In relationship formats, the research is divided into two topics preceded by an introduction and followed by a conclusion and a list of sources and references. The first included two demands: the concept of religion, and the second: the concept of ideology. The second thesis: religion and ideology read the problems of the relationship, which also included three demands, the first: similarities and similarities between religion and ideology. The second requirement is that religion and ideology differ, and the most important findings of the research are mentioned in the conclusion.

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