ISSN: 2265-6294

Representation of the Strengths of Santri Women in Pesantren Novels: A Feminism Antropological Perspective

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Furoidatul Husniah,Haris Supratno,Heny Subandiyah


In the novel "Hati Suhita" and "Dua Barista", the authors were successful in portraying the image of santri women (the wives) who have diverse strengths in handling issues in their families. The strenght ingrained in pesantren culture. In order to distinguish itself from women in other areas of the world, the pesantren culture is exceptional in how it manages gender relations in the position and role of santri women (the wives). The purpose of this study is to interpret the sources of strength of santri women (the wives) represented in two pesantren literary novels. This research uses a qualitative method with a hermeneutic phenomenology approach.

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