ISSN: 2265-6294

Rights and Obligation on Transgender Funeral

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Abdul Rahim


One of the rights of a human being is to get a proper burial when he dies. On the other hand, burying a human being is an obligation for the family of the buried person. The funeral procedures for men and women have principal differences in intentions/prayers and burial procedures, namely bathing, shrouding, praying, and burying the body. In reality, a group of transgender people change their gender from female to male or vice versa. This raises the question: What are the funeral rights for transgender women? Do you use the intention/prayer and funeral procedures according to their original nature or according to the results of the transgender person? This study uses normative legal research using an Islamic law approach and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), cases, and conceptual research on primary and secondary legal materials collected using a literature study. Based on the study's results, it was concluded that in the perspective of Islamic law, a human being had been created by Allah SWT according to their respective natures, which are certain and cannot be contested anymore

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