ISSN: 2265-6294

Selected Samples of Al-Anbar’s Narrators’ Efforts In Serving The Prophet’s Sunnah

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Hamza Zuhair Raouf Ham,Idris Askar Hassan


The present study tackles the efforts of Al-Anbar narrators in serving the prophet’s Sunnah and explains the narrations that they narrated from the Companions and then from the Prophet (Peace be upon him and his household). The study consists of an introduction, two sections, and a conclusion. Section one is subdivided into three subsections. The first subsection gives a brief view about Anbar from the linguistic and terminological aspects. Anbari narrators are distinguished from others in the second subsection. The conquest of Anbar is tackled in the third subsection. Section two is devoted to presenting samples from Anbari narrators arranged according to their death dates.

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