ISSN: 2265-6294

Self-Disclosure and Irrational Violence in David Rabe’s Streamers

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Wadhah Hasan Muhi


Cultural, social and ethnic disparity plays a prominent role in fueling conflicts, tension and violence among individuals, local communities, and regional societies alike. These tensions may stem from ignoring, denying or contempt the rights of some for others whatever the forms or types of these rights. The conflict may rage because of ideologically directed charging to gain certain benefits, such as material benefits, authoritarianism, and partisan sectarianism. In many cases, these differences and tensions lead to spontaneous or systematic violence against individuals, groups, societies and peoples. Some of these conflicts can be applied to the tensions in Streamers by David Rabe (1940-). The tension and violence that occurs in the play is due to the different cultural and ethnic backgrounds of the main characters. In addition, the army, as a military institution, imposes orders on its members to adapt and to engage in the army's culture, even if it does not conform to the psychological nature of the individuals and their societal and human principles and values as well. Therefore, what matters to the army establishment and its officials is the attempt to impose orders of discipline, duty, implementation and commitment on the recruits by various means and methods, regardless of the consequences of these orders.

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