ISSN: 2265-6294

Social diversity and peaceful coexistence a field study in Dhi Qar Governorate

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M.ScAhmed Hasan Ghali Matar


Human societies based on pluralism and cultural diversity are due to the variance and diversity of the basic morals of this diversity, which are ethics that can be dealt with consciously, as it turns contradiction into integration, clash into coexistence and intolerance into tolerance. Diversity, pluralism and difference in the universe are a concrete reality. There is divine wisdom in this diversity. Diversity in the social structure is the character that prevails in most civilized, developing and poor countries, and the main feature in the interdependence of these societies and their mixture of peaceful coexistence despite the national, religious, historical and ideological diversity and maintaining its social fabric must be placed within the right framework and vice versa. The strength and unity of society and the state alike follows the importance of the research from the importance of the issue of coexistence between the different movements in Iraq. The subject is of national importance and that coexistence is an imperative necessity to ensure security, economic and cultural stability. It represents the goal of societies that believe in diversity and its fruits cannot mature without coexistence and tolerance. This research aims to To identify the relationship between social diversity and peaceful coexistence, the relationship between social diversity and peaceful coexistence in Iraq. The researcher adopted the descriptive survey method and the historical method to suit this study and to prove its hypotheses. The research community included a stratified random sample in the Nasiriyah community within the districts in which it is located (Qalat Sukkar) and the sample was (50) In the research community (25) males (25) females. The researcher used a set of tools that fit the study and found the questionnaire tool is the necessary and appropriate tool for collecting information and through which he reaches the objectives of his study. The researcheralso used observation and interview.

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