ISSN: 2265-6294

Spiritual and Moral Culture of a Person as the Basis of Human Capital

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Akmataliev Asanbek Turgunbaevich, Barynbaeva Ainura Abdykalykovna, Isakov Kubanychbek Abdykadyrovich, Nurbaev Azamat Saidulaevich, Orunbaeva Gulkaiyr Zholonovna, Kurbanbaev Kylychbek Azimovich, Salimov Rustambek Shukhratbekovich, Usupova Cholpon Sabyrovna


This article explores the spiritual and moral culture of the individual as the basis of human capital. The authors argue that the category under consideration, performing the function of orientation, firstly, ensures the integrity and stability of the personality, creates the structure of consciousness and activity programs, controls and organizes the motivational sphere; sets the hierarchy of samples and the degree of readiness for the implementation of their own "project". Secondly, the dynamism and openness of spiritual culture allows society to give an adequate assessment of events and overcome conflicts, successfully rethink their value orientations in crisis situations

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