ISSN: 2265-6294

Strategic Conversation Requirements and its Role in Achieving Sustainable Performance of the Health Insurance Policy: (An exploratory analytical study of the opinions of a sample of workers in Iraqi General Insurance Company)

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Ali Mudher Abd Al-Mahdi,Amer Abed Kareem Althabawee


The current study seeks to test the correlation between strategic conversation with its dimensions represented by (common language, consensus of ideas, rational discussion, development of ideas, and partnership) and sustainable performance with its dimensions of (economic performance, social performance, and environmental performance). As well as testing the multi-impact relationship between the two variables of the study, as the research adopted in its theoretical framework the strategic conversation as an independent variable, while sustainable performance came as a dependent variable, using a stratified random sample. (201) questionnaires were distributed to a number of workers in Iraqi insurance company, the study sample, (190) questionnaires were retrieved, meaning that the response rate reached (95%), the study was based on two main hypotheses: First (there is no statistically significant correlation between the strategic conversation and sustainable performance).

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