ISSN: 2265-6294

Stylistic Analysis of Hemingway's Short Story "Cat in the Rain"

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Abbas Deygan Darweesh Al- Duleimi,Hussein Huwail Ghayadh


This paper is a narrative-stylistic study based on Labov's Natural Narrative Model to be applied to analyze Ernest Hemingway’s short story ‘Cat in the Rain’ by inspecting six narrative components of the model as this story inculcates. A narrative discourse study is conducted to reveal the social relations that accolade this literary text from different levels (according to the model). It throws many innuendoes on the model adopted which can be regarded laudable in dealing with the intricacies prima facie of this piece of literature since it divulges to highlight the identifiable functions pertinent to the effective meaning of the short story and provides information of the linguistic forms that each component typically signifies. On par with this model, it is hypothesized that Labov’s Natural Narrative Model can also be applicable to written narratives. To validate this assumption, the present study shows that ordinary written narratives follow the same pattern of narrating as ordinary oral narratives do in terms of Labov's (1972) identification of oral narratives

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