ISSN: 2265-6294


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Abdulkadhim Hashim Mutlag


Jalal Al-Deen Rumi is recognized as the greatest poets in the period of the seventh century. His works are considered to be fundamental of mysticism. This study purports to scrutinize Sufism and the meaning of Love in his poems. The study aims to establish that Rumi's poems are affected in Sufism as well as the religious. In his work Masnavi one can find out Sufism and spiritual love as they are dominated features in his works. he states that the meaning of love represented by God and his creature. The aim of this study is to explore that Rumi is adopting the concept of "love" in his poems -non related to the human being rather than to God-Man, and one can find that the image of God in every lines in his poems. The philosophy of love as expressed in Rumi's poetry in relation to the religious order in which he affiliated to Sufism. Sufism is an independently esoteric branch of Islam that originated in the East and it is noted for its ascetic adherents' captivated moments of rapture. The popular of the initial Sufis were common figures in status of political power, but trying to pinpoint a truthful chronological basis for Sufism shows hard, as the characters in which state the Sufis were existing in the initial centuries of Islam. One can find out that Rumi's poems focuses on the spiritual love for God rather than physical love. One can find out that the spiritual love has affected in his life and even in his work

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