ISSN: 2265-6294

The 4RD Principles for Construct on Waste Management

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Prakhar Shivahare, Satish Parihar, Vaibhav Dubey


Proportioning sustainable development in the building sector requires effective waste management. The environmental, economic, and social effects of construct on waste must be urgently addressed given the rapidly expanding worldwide construct on industry. Due to its increasing urbanize on and considerable construct on operations, India has seen a significant rise in construct on waste in recent years. Contrary to many other developed Western countries, however, there hasn't been much research done on India's challenges with managing building debris. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunes, and Threats (SWOT) analysis is used in this study to try to close this research gap. Its main goal is to learn more about the situate on of building waste management at the moment. Data from a variety of sources, such as government reports, waste management laws, literature evaluations, and conversation held in focus group sessions, are gathered to support this research. Key stakeholders can acquire a thorough understanding of both the internal and external variables driving construct on waste management in Globe through the study, which acts as a window into those aspects.

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