ISSN: 2265-6294

The crime of claiming disability or special need contrary to the truth: A comparative study

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Nisreen Mohsen Nima’a Al Husseini,Mayada Hussein Salman,


The crime poses a social risk because it violates legally recognized social interests. Additionally, it puts human security and stability at risk. It is well-established that the primary goal of criminal law is to defend the fundamental freedoms that support civil society. Therefore, the legislator criminalizes voluntary acts that infringe on these rights and considers them crimes that deserve the responsibility and punishment of the perpetrator. Among these acts is the claim of disability or special need, contrary to the truth, which was criminalized by the Iraqi legislator based on the provisions of Article (21) of the Law of Welfare for Persons with Disabilities and Special Needs No. (38 of 2013).

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